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高山上的呼喊-go tell it on the mountain-第21章

小说: 高山上的呼喊-go tell it on the mountain 字数: 每页3500字

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  ‘Call on Him。 Call on Him。’
  ‘Ask Him to take you through。’
  Dust rose again in his nostrils; sharp as the fumes of Hell。 And he turned again in thedarkness; trying to remember something he had heard; something he had read。
  Jesus saves。
   And he saw before him the fire; red and gold; and waiting for him—yellow; and red; andgold; and burning in a night eternal; and waiting for him。 He must go through this fire; and into thisnight。
  Jesus saves。
  Call on Him。
  Ask Him to take you through。
  He could not call; for his tongue would not unlock; and his heart was silent; and great withfear。 In the darkness; how to move?—with death’s ten thousand jaws agape; and waiting in thedarkness。 On any turning whatsoever the beast may spring—to move in the darkness is to moveinto the moving jaws of death。 And yet; it came to him that he must move; for there was a lightsomewhere; and life; and joy; and singing—somewhere; somewhere above him。
  And he moaned again: ‘Oh; Lord; have mercy。 Have mercy; Lord。’
  There came to him again the munion service at which Elisha had knelt at his father’sfeet。 Now this service was in a great; high room; a room made golden by the light of the sun; andthe room was filled with a multitude of people; all in long; white robes; the women with coveredheads。 They sat at a long; bare; wooden table。 They broke at this table flat; unsalted bread; whichwas the body of the Lord; and drank from a heavy silver cup the scarlet wine of His blood。 Then hesaw that they were barefoot; and that their feet were stained with this same blood。 And a sound ofweeping filled the room as they broke the bread and drank the wine。
  Then they rose; to e together over a great basin filled with water。 And they divided intofour groups; two of women; and man before man; to watch each other’s feet。 But the blood wouldnot wash off; many washings only turned the crystal water red; and someone cried: ‘Have youbeen to the river?’
  Then John saw the river; and the multitude was there。 And now they had undergone achange; their robes were ragged; and stained with the road they had traveled; and stained withunholy blood; the robes of some barely covered their nakedness; and some indeed were naked。
  And some stumbled on the smooth stones at the river’s edge; for they were blind; and somecrawled with a terrible wailing; for they were lame; some did not cease to pluck at their flesh;which was rotten with running sores。 All struggled to get to the river; in a dreadful hardness ofheart: the strong struck down the weak; the ragged spat on the naked; the naked cursed the blind;the blind crawled over the lame。 And someone cried: ‘Sinner; do you love my Lord?’
  Then John saw the Lord—for a moment only; and the darkness; for a moment only; wasfilled with a light he could not bear。 Then; in a moment; he was set free; his tears sprang as from afountain; his heart; like a fountain of waters; burst。 Then he cried: ‘Oh; blessed Jesus! Oh; LordJesus! Take me through!’
  Of tears there was; yes; a very fountain—springing from a depth never sounded before;from depths John had not known were in him。 And he wanted to rise up; singing; singing in thatgreat morning; the morning of his new life。 Ah; how his tears ran down; how they blessed his soul!
  —as he felt himself; out of the darkness; and the fire; and the terrors of death; rising upward tomeet the saints ‘Oh; yes!’ cried the voice of Elisha。 ‘Bless our God for ever!’
  And a sweetness filled John as he heard this voice; and heard the sound of singing: thesinging was for him。 For his drifting soul was anchored in the love of God; in the rock that enduredfor ever。 The light and the darkness had kissed each other; and were married now; for ever; in thelife and the vision of John’s soul。
  I; John; saw a city; way in the middle of the air;Waiting; waiting; waiting up there。
  He opened his eyes on the morning; and found them; in the light of the morning; rejoicingfor him。 The trembling he had known in darkness had been the echo of their joyful feet—thesefeet; bloodstained for ever; and washed in many rivers—they moved on the bloody road for ever;with no continuing city; but seeking one to e: a city out of time; not made with hands; buteternal in the heavens。 No power could hold this army back; no water disperse them; no fireconsume them。 One day they would pel the earth to heave upward; and surrender the waitingdead。 They sang; where the darkness gathered; where the lion waited; where the fire cried; andwhere blood ran down:
  My soul; don’t you be uneasy!
  They wandered in the valley for ever; and they smote the rock; for ever; and the waterssprang; perpetually; in the perpetual desert。 They cried unto the Lord for ever; and lifted up theireyes for ever; they were cast down for ever; and He lifted them up for ever。 No; the fire could nothurt them; and yes; the lion’s jaws were stopped; the serpent was not their master; the grave wasnot their resting…place; the earth was not their home。 Job bore them witness; and Abraham wastheir father; Moses had elected to suffer with them rather that glory in sin for a season。 Shadrach;Meshach; and Abednego had gone before them into the fire; their grief had been sung by David;and Jeremiah had wept for them。 Ezekiel had prophesied upon them; these scattered bones; theseslain; and; in the fullness of time; the prophet; John; had e out of the wilderness; crying that thepromise was for them。 They were enpassed with a very cloud of witnesses: Judas; who hadbetrayed the Lord; Thomas; who had doubted Him; Peter; who had trembled at the crowing of acock; Stephen; who had been stoned; Paul; who had been bound; the blind man crying in the dustyroad; the dead man rising from the grave。 And they looked unto Jesus; the author and the finisherof their faith; running with patience the race He had set before them; they endured the cross; andthey despised the shame; and waited to join Him; one day; in glory; at the right hand of the Father。
  My soul! don’t you be uneasy!
  Jesus going to make up my dying bed!
  ‘Rise up; rise up; Brother Johnny; and talk about the Lord’s deliverance。’
   It was Elisha who had spoken; he stood just above John; smiling; and behind him were thesaints—Praying Mother Washington; and Sister McCandless; and Sister Price。 Behind these; hesaw his mother; and his aunt; his father; for the moment; was hidden from his view。
  ‘Amen!’ cried Sister McCandless; ‘rise up; and praise the Lord!’
  He tried to speak; and could not; for the joy that rang in him this morning。 He smiled up toElisha; and his tears ran down; and Sister McCandless began to sing:
  ‘Lord; I ain’tNo stranger now!
  ‘Rise up; Johnny;’ said Elisha; again。 ‘Are you saved; boy?’
  ‘Yes;’ said John; ‘oh; yes!’ And the words came upward; it seemed; of themselves; in thenew voice God had given him。 Elisha stretched out his hand; and John took the hand; and stood—so suddenly; and so strangely; and with such wonder!—once more on his feet。
  ‘Lord; I ain’tNo stranger now!’
  Yes; the night had passed; the powers of darkness had been beaten back。 He moved amongthe saints; he; John; who had e home; who was one of their pany now; weeping; he yetcould find no words to speak of his great gladness; and he scarcely knew how he moved; for hishands were new; and his feet were new; and he moved in a new and Heaven…bright air。 PrayingMother Washington took him in her arms; and kissed him; and their tears; his tears and the tears ofthe old; black woman; mingled。
  ‘God bless you; son。 Run on; honey; and don’t get weary!’
  ‘Lord; I been introduced;To the Father and the Son;And I ain’tNo stranger now!’
  Yes; as he moved among them; their hands touching; and tears falling; and the music rising—as though he moved down a great hall; full of a splendid pany—something began to knockin that listening; astonished; newborn; and fragile heart of his; something recalling the terrors ofthe night; which were not finished; his heart seemed to say; which; in this pany; were now tobegin。 And; while his heart was speaking; he found himself before his mother。 Her face

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