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小说: 成功的钥匙 字数: 每页3500字

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this I your gol。The point is not to win a public contest but to get where you want to go。


在你的四周放置书籍、图片、座右铭能强化成就和自力更 生意义的东西,并且随时变更放置位置。这些可使人警惕反 省的东西,能帮助你有机会从不同的角度观看这些东西,并和 其他不同的东西发生联系。 
Surround yourself with books;pictures;mottoes;and other suggestive devices。Pick things that symbolize and reinforce achievement and self…reliance。Work constantly to add to your collection; to move things to new places;where you can see them in a different light and in association with different things。

上述那位房地产经纪人,将她的“百万富翁俱乐部”证书 的影本框起来,放在她的书桌上。有一天她清除证书上面的 灰尘,清完灰尘后随手放在一份报纸上。当她准备再去拿证 书时,发现报纸上有篇报道一位最近被雇用的足球教练的新闻。“他总得要有个可以住的地方吧!”她心想。你猜猜看她 把她最近想要卖的一栋房子卖给谁了? 
My realtor friend kept a framed copy of her Million Dollar Club certificate over her desk。 One day she took it down to dust and set it on top of a newspaper。 When she picked it up again; she saw beneath it an article about the new football coach who had been hired at the university。 He would need a place to live!Guess who bought that house she'd been struggling to sell? 

当你营造出具有建设性的气氛时,可将你所听到和读到 的鼓励字句记在笔记本上,如果你能在路上或开会时快速地 书写数语,则将会为你带来长久的助力。
As you build an atmosphere of support;keep a notebook handy to jot down the things you hear and read that inspire you。When you're on the road or in a meeting。your fast scratchiness can give you lasting support。


Never run away from disagreeable circumstances。Fight them;with all your resources;right where you stand and without a moment's delay。

但这并不是说要对那些向你说“不”的人挥动拳头,而是 说不要接受那些反对意见,而要尽一切努力改变反对者的心意,或者你应该反躬自省,看看你有什么做得不对的地方并加 以改进,有的时候逆境反而是一种检验的机会,它可提供使自 己更进步的方法。 
This doesn't mean taking a swing at the fellow who tells you no。It does mean not accepting that refusal and bringing every faculty you have to bear on changing that person's mind。 Or you may have to take a hard look at yourself;find the error you made; and resolve then and there to correct it。 Sometimes adverse circumstances are testing devices;providing means by which you may be promoted from a given task to a greater on。

记住,你之所以成为一个独立的人,并且处于一定的处境,乃因为你的心中坚持着某种观念和想法。如果你迟迟不坑运用这些观念思想的话,那就等于给自己带来更多的限制 和挫折。 
Remember;you are what you are and where you are because of the dominating thoughts in your mind。 Procrastination in dealing with these thoughts only sentences you to further limitation and frustration。


为完成任何有价值的事情,都须付出一定的代价,任何有价值的事情也值得去做。自力更生的代价就是当一个人在运 用信心时,必须时时保持戒慎的态度。
Recognize that anything worth having has a definite price tag。Anything worth having is worth working for。 The price of self…reliance is eternal vigilance in applying your faith。

关上通往恐惧的门之后,你会很快地看到通往信心的大 门,增加和运用信心是一段费时而且需要奉献的历程,你在这 方面的努力是无止尽的,因为你所能运用的力量是无限的,因 努力而获得的回报也是无尽的。 
Close the door of fear behind you; and you will quickly see the door of faith open before you。 Increasing and applying your faith are a process that takes time and dedication。You will never be finished with this task because the power you have at your disposal is infinite。 So are rewards。 




《成功的钥匙》付出一点点 '打印本页'
Walk Extra Mile

My Own Journey

I accepted Andrew Carnegie's mission to organize and publish the principles of success when I was a law student at Georgetown University。Other than reimbursement for some traveling expenses; I got no pensation from Carnegis for me efforts。

我对这份工作的奉献,使自己承受了不少的负担,我必须 赚钱养家,而且许多亲戚都嘲笑我。但尽管有这些阻力,我还 是为这项任务工作了20年,在此期间我拜访过知名企业的总 裁、发明家、创始人以及著名的慈善家,由于这些人通常都不 知道他们的成功原则(因为他们只是去做而已),所以我必须 花许多时间来观察他们,并确定我原先假设能发挥功效的力 量,是否真的在发挥功效。除了赚取生活费之外,我还必须为 这些人工作。
My dedication to my task placed strains on my life。 I had a family to support;and many of my relatives ridiculed me for my goal。 In spite of this opposition ; I worked for twenty years;interviewing presidents; inventors; founders of great panies; and famous philanthropists。 Because these people were often unaware of the principles they employed…they just did it…it tool a great deal of time for me to observe them and determine whether the forces I supposed for myself; I had a job to do for others。

处在亲戚们的嘲笑和辛苦工作之间,有时真的很难保持 积极心态和不屈不挠的精神。有时当个人待在无聊的旅馆房 间里时,甚至会觉得我家人的想法才是正确的。支持我向前 迈进的力量,使我确信,我不但能完成这本著作,而且当我完 成它时会为自己的成功感到骄傲。
Believe me ; there were times when; between the needling of my relatives and the hardships I endured; it was not easy of maintain a positive mental attitude and persevere。 Sometimes; in barren hotel rooms; I almost believed my family was right。 The thing that kept me going was my conviction that one day I would not only successfully plete my work but also be proud of myself when it was finished。

有时候,当心中出现希望的火苗时,我必须运用我手边所 能运用的资源把它再煽大一点以免熄灭。而使我坚持信念和 理想,并且帮助我度过难关的就是我从无穷智慧所获得的信。 
Sometimes;when the flames of hope dwindled to a flicker; I had to fan them with everything I possessed to keep them from going out。It was my faith in Infinite Intelligence that that tided me over these rough spots and saw me through。

Did it pay to go the extra mile for twenty years and endure all those hardships?The answer it obvious。

The Benefits of Doing More than You Are Paid For 

Since going the extra mile can involve hardship;it will help you to be conscious of all the different benefits it will bring。

The Law of Increasing Returns

你所付出的额外服务会为你带来更多的回报。想想看种植小麦的农夫吧!如果种植一株小麦只能收成一粒麦子,那 根本就是在浪费时间。但实际上从一株小麦上可收成许许多多的麦子。尽管有些小麦不会发芽,但无论农夫面临什么样 的困难,他的收成必定多出他所种植的好几倍。 
The quantity and quality of the extra service you render will e back to you greatly multiplied。 Consider the farmer who plants a crop of wheat。 If he harvested only one grain of wheat for each grain he planted;he'd be wasting his time。 Instead every successful grain produces a stalk and a sheaf containing many more grains。 Of course;a few don't sprout; but whatever problems a farmer may face; getting back many times more wheat grains then he or she planted isn't one of them。

这种情形同样也适用于你所提供的各种服务方面,如果 你付出价值100元的服务,则你不但能回收这100元,而且可 能会回收好几倍。而到底能回收多少,就必须看你是否抱持 着正确的心态而定了。 如果你是以心不甘情不愿的心态提供服务,那你可能得 不到任何回报,如果你只是从为自己谋取利益的角度提供服 务时则可能连你希望得到的利益也得不到。
And so it is with everything you do in the service you render。 If you render service worth a hundred dollars; chances are you will get back not only that one hundred dollar but perhaps ten times that…provided you hav

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