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小说: rekindled(英文版) 字数: 每页3500字

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Anne turned on him。 〃You arranged this with my parents; didn't you?〃

He grinned。 〃They're wonderful people。 When I explained the situation;
they were more than glad to help out。〃

〃Well; that's just fine; but I'm not going! For all your smugness and
your crafty little plans; I'm not going!〃

His grin died。 〃I told Rachel that you'd be spending the week with us。〃

〃You had no right to do that。〃

〃But it's done。 She's counting on your being there。 Would you disappoint

Anne was exasperated。 〃How can you use her like this? You know I can't
hurt her。〃

〃I was counting on that。〃

〃So you're going to go out there〃…she pointed a shaky finger toward the
street…〃and tell her I can't go。〃

〃But you can。 Your bags are packed and loaded。 Your work has been
cleared for the next two weeks。 There's nothing left to hold you here。〃

Anne felt trapped。 With a tired sigh; she slumped back against the wall。
〃Why don't you leave me alone? Can't you see that I don't want to be
with you?〃

He was sober then。 〃That's because you won't listen to reason。 I've
tried to explain; and more than once; but you wouldn't answer my calls
or let me in when I banged on your door。 You wouldn't give me the
courtesy of hearing me out。 So now I'm asking you; for Rachel's sake; to
e with us。 Just this once。 At the end of the week; if you still feel
this way; I will leave you alone。〃

Anne wondered if it was the only way out。 She couldn't bear the thought
of hurting a child who had already been so badly hurt in life。 And the
little girl would be a chaperon of sorts。 What harm could there be?

〃Is that a promise?〃 she asked cautiously。

〃Yes。〃 There was no point belaboring the matter。 With a defeated sigh;
she pushed away from the wall and returned to the car with Mitch。

Within the hour they left the traffic of the city behind and sped
northward。 〃When did you get the new car?〃 Anne asked; groping for
conversation with Mitch as Rachel knelt on the backseat; studying the
receding skyline。

〃About a week ago。 This is her maiden voyage。 The Honda was a bit small
for three。〃 The eyebrow that arched her way was subtle; but Anne had to
marvel at his presumption。 If the three included her; he had paid a
whole lot for a single trip。

Rachel poked her golden head between the bucket seats and rubbed her
cheek against the soft velour。 〃I like this car。 Daddy says the color
matches my eyes。〃

〃It does; at that;〃 Anne said with a warm smile。 How not to smile at a
child who exuded sweetness like this one? She prayed there would be
pouts; crankiness; and temper tantrums as the week progressed。
Otherwise; she could be in big trouble。

There weren't any pouts; crankiness; or temper tantrums; and Anne grew
more and more attached to the child。 Even knowing that Mitch contrived
it didn't detract from the pleasure Anne took in simple custodial things
like bathing her; bing those long blond curls; helping retie the
shoelaces that came undone after Rachel laboriously tied them herself。
There were substantive things to cherish; like cookie baking; hikes in
the woods; and reading stories before the fire at night。

And if Anne was in love; she felt it ing right back from Rachel。 Such
innocent; heartfelt; freely given affection was the most precious thing
in the world。

Staying indifferent to Mitch was a problem; but she did her best and; to
his credit; he didn't push。 She slept upstairs; he slept downstairs;
with Rachel in a sleeping bag on the floor of his room。 By Wednesday
morning; though; Anne felt she was walking a tight…rope of conflicting
emotions; with Mitch watching from morning to night to see which way she
would go。

Memory nagged。 She remembered beautiful times here with Mitch; innocent
times of fulfillment and love。 She might put them aside in New York; but
they were more real here and harder to flee。

Still she tried。 〃I'm going for a walk;〃 she announced after a
postbreakfast bit of brooding。

〃That's a good idea;〃 Mitch said without mockery; but then; his
gentleness was part of the torture。 〃Take your time。 I think I can
manage Rachel for a few hours。〃

Despite the little girl's protest; Anne left。 It was the first time she
had been alone since they had arrived; and she needed it badly。 She was
feeling frayed at the seams; but there were still two days left in the
week。 She had to find a way of surviving。

Spring was everywhere。 What had been damp and gray a month before was
now a fresh; vibrant green。 The scent was of rebirth; spreading upward
from the lush carpet of new grass and through the lime leaves that
clothed long tree branches。 The sounds were enchanting ones…the chirping
of birds from nest to nest; the rustle of forest creatures in the newly
spreading undergrowth。 Water ran freely over rocks and silt; rushing
with the force of the snows that melted higher up the mountain。 The
pasture glowed yellow with dandelions and pink with crab apple blossoms。
It was the countryside at its gayest and most promising。

Not so her heart。 Its sadness was all the more poignant by contrast。
Pebbles scattered before her shuffling feet。 She kicked a boulder or
two。 When she finally buried her head on her arms; the tears flowed as
fast and free as the brook beside her。 But while the brook's course was
one of liberation; Anne's was the opposite。 She was in an emotional
prison。 Loving Mitch did that。

In time; she knelt on the stones and splashed her face。 The water was so
cold that she gasped; but the pain felt good; and the invigoration was
wele。 She headed slowly back toward the cottage; winding in and out
among the forest paths; physically relieved from the cry; if no closer
to a solution。

Under the warmth of the high noon sun; she arrived at the house to an
unexpected silence。 Assuming that father and daughter were out in the
woods themselves; she passed through the kitchen to the living room;
only to stop short at the sight of Mitch; standing tall and lean at the
front window。 His hands filled the pockets of his jeans in a pose that
was more idle than she would have expected; given the presence of a
vivacious six…year…old。

〃Where's Rachel?〃 she asked。

He faced her。 〃She's gone。〃

〃Gone。〃 But he wasn't upset。 〃What do you mean gone?〃

〃My parents came by to pick her up。 They're continuing on to Montreal
for a few days。〃

〃You mean; she's gone?〃 The implication of it was only slowly seeping

〃Yes。〃 His eyes held hers。 〃You've been crying。〃

〃No。〃 She felt justified lying。 He had tricked her again!

〃Your eyes are red;〃 he challenged softly。

〃I have hay fever;〃 she snapped; feeling a growing fury。 〃You planned
this; didn't you? You had it all arranged with your parents。 You
orchestrated the whole thing; using Rachel to get me up here; then
conveniently having her vanish。〃 Every muscle in her body had tensed。

〃Yes;〃 he admitted and offered no excuse。

Anne's eyes blazed。 〃And you really think I'm staying; now that she's
gone? Hell; she was the only reason I agreed to e up here in the
first place!〃

He began to move toward her。 〃Was it; Anne? Was it really? Be honest
with yourself〃

She was suddenly afraid。 〃I am! That was why I came up here。〃 She put up
a hand to ward him off and took a step backward。 〃Don't e any closer。
Don't you dare touch me…〃

〃Or what? Haven't we been through this before? We're right back at the
beginning; Annie。 Face it。 No child。 No deposition…taking。 No other
pretense。 Just you and me。〃

〃It's not that simple!〃 she cried and took another step back。 He was too
tall; too attractive; too near。 〃I can't forget those things。 They're
all here; even if you try to deny them; and nothing can change the fact
that I didn't want to see you; that I don't want to have anything to do
with you!〃

But her body was trembling。 It remembered how he felt and responded the
closer he came。

He continued his advance until she was backed against a wall。 〃I don't
believe you;〃 he informed her smoothly。 〃I think you want the opposite。〃

She shook her head in denial。 〃Don't; Mitch。 Get away from me。〃 But her
warning was a whisper; and a faltering one at that。 She was between
Mitch and the wall; between

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